10-25-2018 12:15:57 AM PST
*This is a special notice to the readers and followers from the co-founder
Hello, Bro Tom here, and I felt it important to inform you of some changes that we hope to make to this website soon. As you may have noticed, most of the site's content is missing at the moment. This is nothing to be concern about. Most the content will return eventually while we revamp the site's look and bring improved content and resources as time permits. Why the change?
A: Although the goal for this site largely remains the same, we're considering new formulas and revisions in order to provide more consistent updates and valuable content from more grace-oriented resources. Next, we would like to update the aesthetics in a small way. I prefer to continue with a simplistic design during the beautifying process and also explore what can be done about content access and organization. Again, most the content that's been here will return, but with revisions and corrections. We look forward to providing a greater archive from biblically accurate teachers who stand on the simplicity and clarity of the true Gospel. I hope and pray it will be of benefit to you.
Being more careful as to what voices or resources we allow here moving forward is paramount to us, no matter how popular or mainstream those in question seem to be. I realize that no two people will always agree on every last matter, but at E.L.M. we intend to be as clear and accurate as possible on the essentials, diligent concerning weightier matters and faithful in the handling of all God's word, yet gracious concerning non-essential matters. We hope you'll stick around, and thanks for taking the time to read this important update. Go with Christ, - Bro. Tom
08-11-2009 1:43:42 PM PST
Question: Do you Twitter
Yeah, I do now! This question wasn't directly asked, but I thought you all may like to know.
So today I decided, I wanna get to the bottom of this whole 'Twitter' craze. I just can't see why it's so popular over other blog/social networks. But I figured I could jump in, open up our own Twitter page and experience it for myself. Besides, since it is so popular, this could turn into another avenue in which to channel people to Emerald Leaf. Please pray that this ministry and all its extensions (including this new Twitter extension) can be a blessing to others and glorify our Lord.
God Bless you my brothers and sisters. To God be the glory, always -Bro Tom
01-06-2009 5:45:46 PM PST
Quick update. Our official domain just went up this morning. So, from now on all anyone has to do to access out site in simply type into their address bar www.emeraldleafministries.com
Everything is slowly coming together here. Keep checking back for more content yet to be added as well as news and updates. By the way, all suggestions are welcome, just add to the comments.
Thanks again for all your support.
Bro.T.B. Moffitt III
12-30-2008 12:45:27 AM PST More to come soon 12-30-2008 12:41:52 AM PST Under construction. Please check back soon