Emerald Leaf Ministries

We can't all be Pastors and door knockers. BUT, are you doing SOMETHING to share your faith with others on a weekly basis?

 "...this is NOT religion, its Salvation" 
Hello there and thanks so much for visiting our corner of the World Wide Web.
Our Mission at Emerald Leaf Ministries is: 1st, to share the TRUE gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ, the only means to escape Hell and have a home in Heaven. 2nd, to encourage Christians to get involved in some way, in reaching others for Christ; to be bold with the truth of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, our God, our savior. Furthermore, that this be done with all humility and the most loving way possible. 3rd, to provide tools to properly and effectively spread the Gospel, to explore all possible avenues in sharing the Good News, and provide learning resources for the believer to help strengthen and cultivate growth and maturity.
. . . STOP !  
CLICK THAT BUTTON before you go any further, if you DON'T know beyond a shadow of a doubt whether you'll be in Heaven when you die, than you need to click either 'How to KNOW You're Going to Heaven' ... or 'Understand the Difference'. Ask yourself, if there were a way to know for sure how to get to Heaven, wouldn't you want to know about it? Click the appropriate button on the left, because there is NOTHING more important than your eternal redemption. Think about it; you wouldn't want to die and end up in HELL, your eternity is nothing to gamble with. And, one day, every one of our lives on Earth with be through... wouldn't you like to have eternal assurance? So please, if your not 100% sure that, if you passed THIS VERY MINUTE that you'd be in Heaven, CLICK that button. Anyone of us could be cast into eternity at any moment, at which point it would be too late to make such decisions. We all will spend eternity somewhere, so shouldn't you make sure you KNOW . . . ?





Bro. T.B. Moffitt III


Emerald Leaf Ministries

Celebrating 15 years

First founded in Oregon, and our .com established in 2009

Home office currently located in Island Lake Illinois since 2019



Emerald Hotline 

If you would like to share prayer requests, seek Godly counsel, or even drop us a message of blessing and encouragement, you may do so by calling our Hotline. Please note: Emerald Island Lake office still route through our founding region area codes.

Leave a message with your prayer request or other reasons for calling, and if one of us is available, we'll attempt to return your call. 
(503) 722-5132




. . . and Bro.Tom's Facebook page




 Emerald Leaf Vids

Our next expansion is in the area of web video. We don't currently plan to make it a main focus of this ministry, but please do check back from time to time, looking us up by the name EmeraldLeafVids, or click on the link below.

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